Saturday, April 3, 2021

He is so kind

In the quiet moments of the morning 
I lay quietly in my bed.
Often before I rise,
and put my feet to the floor
I pray.
In honesty,
sometimes the praying turns into extra sleep.
But, it is my routine to pray
for my people
for my day
for the things that 
plague me
press me and
present challenge.
I pray through my day ahead
I ask for wisdom
I align myself
I listen.

You see, I routinely struggle
to come to terms
to put to rest 
to lay down the
feelings of 
and regret.

This morning, 
He spoke kindly to my heart
about His timing
about His provision
about His plan
He told me, without hesitation,
He has seen me through it all
He has known me through it all
He has loved me through it all
He has been there through it all. 

It wasn’t the first time 
I’ve heard these words.
He has repeated them to me 
Every. single. day for four years. 
But, this morning as He spoke truth to me 
so beautifully
so specifically
so directly. 
I felt a paradigm shift
A rearrangement in my thoughts
A letting go -- 
like the real kind of letting go
The never going to pick it back up again kind of letting go.

This brings me hope.
And hope walks hand and hand with courage!
Courage, to approach each day victorious 
because of He who lives in me. 

He is so kind to me.

Sunday, January 17, 2021

52 Weeks of 52: Week 52

 Week 52
January 18, 2020

I am closing out and 
raising a toast to Week 52 of being 52
These 52 weeks were certainly unprecedented
filled with firsts for everyone
I have said at least weekly,
"This is such a weird year!"

This last week our toaster
gave up her life
I have never really grown attached to 
any kind of kitchen appliance until this toaster 
which holds special meaning to me.

When moving into our duplex
in April of 2017 
I was amazed and energized 
by the way the Lord provided.
It seemed at every turn 
I was reminded of His goodness.

On the day after we moved
I was savoring the reality of 
an unpacked and settled home
a stocked fridge
a place where so many came together 
and made it happen 
I was looking at a place
that would be our refuge
offering peace to my heart.

I thanked the Lord profusely for His goodness 
and remarked that as I looked over the list I had made 
of things I needed
I was amazed the only thing missing was a toaster. 
I figured I could do without
and find a cheap one somewhere

I left that morning 
to meet a friend for breakfast
and when I returned there was a vase of flowers on my doorstep 
that included a gift card to Bed Bath and Beyond.
The Lord whispered to me
"I want you to have the best toaster!"

The toaster in the photo was what I bought that day.
But more than a toaster --
I received a sweet reminder from the Lord.
He would provide whatever I needed
He would direct my steps
He would protect me
Better yet, 
He reminded me that I was not to worry about 
a single thing 
because he already had it figured out 
I could trust Him with it all.
He assured me that...
He sees me
He knows me
He delights in me.

As I wrap up year 52
I've seen 52 weeks  that have been like no other

We have faced 
and unrest.
We have seen
protests and
unprecedented discord
We had a front row seat
to bothers and sisters
once united
now spewing hatred and 
have witnessed
all things ugly

But as I prepare to make another 
trip around the sun 
(and retire this most special toaster)
The Lord whispers once again
"Do not be weary, I've still got this"
I  see you
I  know you
I  delight in you
There is nothing
that can change that!

Wednesday, October 14, 2020

52 Week of 52: Week 38

Week 38
October 14, 2020

There has been much discussion
and debate over the exact day
that declares when we 
first met
It is hard to define
since it took some time 
and text messages before 
we actually physically met
But I remember praying 
and letting the Lord know
I was feeling like I was at a point
where I didn't think I could make it
How was I going to support myself
How was I going to keep it all afloat
I sent out a bit of an SOS
one laying out specific things I needed
The prayer was long 
the prayer was detailed 
the prayer was heartfelt
It was shortly after that, we met 
so while the meeting
centered around 
a laptop
and the exact date 
can not be determined
We look to the "book of face"
who helps us remember 
when we don't
when things actually happened
He friended me
to alleviate my fears,  I assume
that the guy I was meeting at the 
McDonalds for the laptop exchange 
was not a crazy ax murderer. 
So, October 14th is the day we celebrate
our “FB Friendaversary” 
which is followed by our “Meetavesary” 
and then is followed up by “a whirlwind” — and I’m living the most amazing dream possible.

Wednesday, September 23, 2020

52 Weeks of 52 : Week 35

 Week 35

September 23, 2020

I don't know who started
National Daughter Day
But I certainly have reason to celebrate!
These gals
who call me Mumsy
have transformed into
beautiful, young ladies
I now call friend.
Celebrating these beautiful gems
comes easy
My praise for them
falls quickly from my lips
without effort
I am moved with emotion
as I watch them
navigate life
Do the things they think they can't

I pray daily for them
to grow in grace
to see that the Lord is faithful
to see that HE is good
to know the HE delights in every single fiber of their being.
I love to be called their Mumsy
It's not perfect
It's downright messy
But these three humans
have a piece of my heart
are fiercely loved
and I relish the moments we share.
We are traveling a journey together
that is unique
that is our story

Wednesday, September 16, 2020

52 Weeks of 52 : Week 34

 Week 34

September 16, 2020

A visit to my hometown

has stirred up quite a bit in my soul

that I can barely put into words

My connection to the Burg

has dwindled some

It has gotten more difficult to get back there 

on a regular basis 

since we live halfway across the country 

This visit was a reminder

of how this place

my childhood stomping grounds

had a huge impact on who I am today

This weekend was so special to me

I enjoyed being able to hear my Dad speak

and take part in an amazing 250th celebration

of Davids Church

I am so thankful to have made the trip

I am so thankful to have decided 

a trip during the first week back to school

 during a pandemic was actually not a bad idea!

Because it was JUST WHAT I NEEDED!

Wednesday, September 9, 2020

52 Weeks of 52: Week 33

 Week 33
September 9, 2020

A hometown visit offers
an opportunity to snag a few hours
with this gem. 
She is a beautiful soul and
my admiration runs deep for the
way she shaped and molded my life
I am forever grateful
and find myself trying to emulate her
I realize quickly
My life would not have been the same
Had it not been touched
And continue to be touched
By this woman.
Mrs. June Baker
PE teacher
And now- my friend.
She always has a special ‘word’ to say
A significant way to make me feel valued
I only hope—
I pray
I can instill the same thing
To the students in my building
Mrs. Baker
Mrs. B
Life changer
World changer
Now— my friend
The deposits she made in my life
Now yield dividends
And spill out into the lives of
my students

Saturday, September 5, 2020

52 Weeks of 52: Week 32

Week 32

September 5, 2020

My hometown of 18 years
The place that molded me
The people who shaped me
So many thoughts
All the big feels
Every moment
Shaped by His hand
Ordained by Him.
I am blessed.
I am grateful.
Looking back- I realize
This truth remains
He sees me
He knows me
He delights in me.
Photo: the homestead